Welcome to The ARTC
The American Russell Terrier Club founded in 1995 is the AKC Parent Club for the Russell Terrier breed. It was the first registry in the US to maintain the Russell Terrier as a separate breed from the Parson Russell Terrier. The purpose was to preserve and promote this old traditional working terrier in its original form and to eventually seek Kennel Club recognition. The "ARTC" ushered the Russell Terrier into the AKC FSS Program with final acceptance on December 8, 2004.
The objects of the ARTC are:
· to encourage and promote quality in the breeding of purebred Russell Terriers
and to do all possible to preserve their natural qualities to perfection.
· to urge members and breeders to accept the standard of the breed as
approved by the American Kennel Club as the only standard of excellence
by which the Russell Terrier shall be judged.
· to do all in its power to protect and advance the interest of the breed by
encouraging sportsmanlike competition at Dog Shows, Obedience Trials,
Tracking Tests, Earth Dog tests, Barn Hunt, Rally, and Agility.
· to conduct sanctioned matches at Dog Shows, Obedience Trials, Tracking Tests,
Earth Dog Tests, Barn Hunt, Rally and Agility, and any other event for which the club and
breed is eligible under the Rules and Regulations of the American Kennel Club.
· to encourage the organization of independent local specialty clubs in those
localities where there are sufficient fanciers of the breed to meet the
requirements of The American Kennel Club.
The ARTC’s greatest responsibility and honor is to preserve the breed standard. We welcome all who may have an interest in this wonderful old breed. Our members and breeders will be more than happy to assist you in learning more about the Russell Terrier. In 2007, we finished our educational material "Russell Terrier Amplified Guide for Judges and Breeders" now online. The guide is also available in CD format to those who would like additional education in understanding the Russell Terrier for a nominal fee. For information regarding obtaining a CD contact to [email protected]
The objects of the ARTC are:
· to encourage and promote quality in the breeding of purebred Russell Terriers
and to do all possible to preserve their natural qualities to perfection.
· to urge members and breeders to accept the standard of the breed as
approved by the American Kennel Club as the only standard of excellence
by which the Russell Terrier shall be judged.
· to do all in its power to protect and advance the interest of the breed by
encouraging sportsmanlike competition at Dog Shows, Obedience Trials,
Tracking Tests, Earth Dog tests, Barn Hunt, Rally, and Agility.
· to conduct sanctioned matches at Dog Shows, Obedience Trials, Tracking Tests,
Earth Dog Tests, Barn Hunt, Rally and Agility, and any other event for which the club and
breed is eligible under the Rules and Regulations of the American Kennel Club.
· to encourage the organization of independent local specialty clubs in those
localities where there are sufficient fanciers of the breed to meet the
requirements of The American Kennel Club.
The ARTC’s greatest responsibility and honor is to preserve the breed standard. We welcome all who may have an interest in this wonderful old breed. Our members and breeders will be more than happy to assist you in learning more about the Russell Terrier. In 2007, we finished our educational material "Russell Terrier Amplified Guide for Judges and Breeders" now online. The guide is also available in CD format to those who would like additional education in understanding the Russell Terrier for a nominal fee. For information regarding obtaining a CD contact to [email protected]